Board Certification
- Internal Medicine
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Interventional Cardiology
- Adult Echocardiography
- Nuclear Cardiology
- Guglin M, Garcia M, Rivero A, Matar F, Renal Dysfunction in Heart Failure is due to Congestion but not Low Output. Clin Cardiol. 2011 Feb;34(2):113-6.
- Rivero A, Curtis AB. Sex differences in arrhythmias. Curr Opin Cardiol. 2010 Jan;25(1):8-15.
- Miller AC, Rivero A, Ziad S, Smith DJ, Elamin EM. Influence of nebulized unfractionated heparin and N-acetylcysteine in acute lung injury after smoke inhalation injury. J Burn Care Res. 2009 Mar-Apr;30(2):249-56.
- Shi H, Santana CA, Rivero A, Sanyal R, Esteves FP, Verdes L, Ornelas M, Folks RD, Lerakis S, Halkar RK, Garcia EV. Normal values and prospective validation of transient ischaemic dilation index in 82Rb PET myocardial perfusion imaging. Nucl Med Commun. 2007 Nov;28(11):859-63.
- Maher J, Rivero A, Zaim S, Pappas PJ, Labropoulos N, Klapholz M, Saric M. Massive arm edema following arteriovenous dialysis shunt creation in a patient with ipsilateral permanent pacemaker. J Clin Ultrasound. 2008 Jun;36(5):321-4.
- Rivero A, Santana C, Folks RD, Esteves F, Verdes L, Esiashvili S, Grossman GB, Halkar RK, Bateman TM, Garcia EV. Attenuation correction reveals gender-related differences in the normal values of transient ischemic dilation index in rest-exercise stress sestamibi myocardial perfusion imaging. J Nucl Cardiol. 2006 May-Jun;13(3):338-44.
- Rivero, A, Pool S, Alonso N. inverse correlation between height and driving speed in the deep peroneal nerve. Magazine on April 16. 1998; 195: 23-6.
- Rivero A, Veliz M, Perez A. Evidences of the Role of Oxidative Stress in the Aging of Body Organs and Systems. Review paper presented at the XXII Student Scientific Forum of ISCMCH, May 23rd, 1998.
- Veliz M, Rivero A. Consumption of Antibiotics in the University Hospital Calixto Garcia during 1997. A poster presented at the XXII Student Scientific Forum of ISCMCH, May 23rd, 1998.
- USF- Interventional Cardiology Fellow
- USF- Cardiovascular Diseases Fellow, Chief Cardiology Fellow
- UMDNJ- Newark, Internal Medicine Resident
- USF, Anesthesiology Resident
- UMDNJ- Newark, Internal Medicine resident
- Emory University, Research fellow in Nuclear Cardiology
- Central America Health Sciences University, Belize. Medical Doctor
- University of San Francisco Xavier, Sucre, Bolivia
- ISCMH-Superior Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana, Cuba
- Florida State Medical License
Honors & Awards:
- Fellow of the year Award , USF 2010-2011
- Most scholarly resident Award, UMDNJ 2007-2008
- Fujisawa/ASNC Travel Award to the 9th Annual ASNC Scientific Session, October 2004, NY
- Intern of the Month Award, UMDNJ- August 2004
- Dean’s Recognition Letter, ISCMH, 1996 and 1997.
- Academic Excellence Award of Superior Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana, 1998
- Honor contest in Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology.