Education & Training
- Jul 2009-Jun 2012 Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY Cardiovascular diseases fellowship.
- Jul 2007-Jun 2009 Brown Universityl Rhode Island Hospital Clinical Instructor and Hospitalist
- July 2004-July 2007 Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY Residency in Internal Medicine
- Jan 2003-May 2004 Kent State University, Kent, OH Molecular Biology
- Nov 1996-Aug 2002 Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad, India Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
- Jun 1994 -Jul 1996 Little Flower Junior College, Hyderabad, India Botany, Zoology, Physics and Chemistry
Proficiency in Procedures Related to Cardiology
- Comprehensive echocardiogram evaluations including peri operative and transesophageal echocardiogram.
- Stress test evaluations including treadmill test, nuclear stress tests and stress echocardiograms.
- Comprehensive vascular examination including carotid and peripheral arterial Doppler, ankle brachial index etc.
- Peripheral arterial tonometry studies using Endopat device.
- Right and left heart catheterization.
- AICD and Pacemaker interrogation.
- Temporary pacemaker implantation.
Poster/Abstract Presentations/Publications
- Incidental Diagnosis of Cor Triatriatum in Two Elderly Patients: Ajay Vallakati MD, Nishant Nerella MD, Preeti Chandra MD, Adnan Sadiq MD, Jacob Shani MD. Accepted for publication in Journal of American College of Cardiology
- Bolus and continuous/high-and low-dose diuretics had similar effects on symptoms and renal function in acute, decompensated HF Ann Intern Med July 19, 2011155:JC1-05 ACP journal club expert review.
- Early intravenous beta blockers improve risk of ventricular arrythmias in patients with acute coronary syndrome SCAI 2011. Saurav Chatterjee, Nishant Nerella, Jacob Shani
- Angioplasty Alone Vs Angioplasty and Stenting for Subclavian Artery Stenosis-A Systematic Review Saurav Chatterjee MD, Nishant Nerella MD , Saneka Chakravarty MD, Jacob Shani MD Accepted for publication in American Journal of Therapeutics.
- A low level of soluble CD40 ligand levels in first encounter samples excludes patients with high risk angiographic features than troponin I. Venkata S. Gadi, MD, Nishant Nerella MD, Deepak Thekkoott, MD, Bilal Malik, MD, Jacob Shani, MD and Edgar Lichstein MD Chest October 1 2008, Volume 134, Issue 4
- A low level of CD40 Ligand levels exclude patients with high risk angiographic features better than troponin I. V.S. Gadi, N. Nerella, D. Thekkoott, B. Malik, J. Shani, E. Lichstein, American Federation of Medical Research meeting at Washington, DC April 9, 2008.
- Pulmonary hypertension in patients with long-term arteriovenous access for hemodialysis. J. Am. Coli. Cardiol., Mar 2007; 49: 315A ¬419A Nerella, Nishant MD, Iman Husain MD, Anil Hingorani, Holiander.G.
- Coronary artery fistulae, a systematic review -American College of Physicians meeting at New York, NY 2005. Nishant Nerella, Adnan Raufi, J Shani
- Thromboembolism in patients with takotsubo syndrome. Nerella N, Lodha A, Chandra PC, Rose M, Int J Cardiol. 2007 Apr 2 PMID: 17408767